Monday, April 12, 2010

Taronga Zoo

Today we're going to the zoo. Why?

Baby elephant, that's why.

He's called Pathi Harn, a Thai expression meaning "miracle" because the vet thought he was dead. And they couldn't translate "Get me a new vet. Please.".

Cute, apparently.


This has to be the best tiger photo I have ever got. Usually, they're skulking at the back somewhere.


The Meercats were their usual lively selves.

Unlike these two.

The Gorillas were being all domestic.

The big male watching the little ones.


The Chimps were out with the kids.

No trip to the zoo is complete without a photo of a monkey playing with himself. Except they weren't, they were playing with each other.


Little Hippo. Well, relatively little.

Goat stew. Mmmm.

Went to the new seal show. This is the arena.

They come out and do little tricks.

Like waving.

And swimming around.

The new seal / penguin enclosures are great.

Had to have a ride on the cable-car.

Oh, and we found a place to moor the boat. This bay has about 8 public buoys.

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