Sunday, June 11, 2006

Kensal Green Cemetary

As London started running out of burial space about 150 years ago, some new 'out-of-town' cemetaries were commissioned and Kensal Green was one of them. Combined with the other six, they were known as The Magnificant Seven. They immediately became the place to be seen in the after-life and a lot of people put their names down; royalty, poets, engineers and businessmen rub sholders in this big green space that is now far from out of town.

We went for a walk up the road to check it out. I went on a hunt for Brunel and Babbage to no avail - the local info is non-existant. Still, I got some nice piccies that go to prove that, while wealth doesn't make you a better person, it sure gives you a better pad.

Old graves and old tech - in the background is a disused gasometer.

If you haven't got a big willy thing when you're alive, get one after you're dead! There are a LOT of big willy things round here.

This is modern one of an Ethiopean. The racial diversity is amazing reflecting the different groups that have come through the area down the years. The good thing about this place is that they can't throw rocks at each other any more.

Bet she's got a headache.

Four - count 'em - angels. Someone needs help on the other side.

Some nice little vistas, too, if you find the right spot.

The one on the right is minor royalty, the one on the left has a big, slightly pointy, willy (see what I mean about the willy thing).

Must ... resist ... the ... obvious ... caption...

This knight - oh, he's scarpered.

There's even a special space for the babies.

All this grave-robbing gives you an appetite.

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