Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Portobello Road Market 1

About a kilometre long, this has all sorts of stuff. Famous for antiques but there's more to it than that. There's junk, food and junk food. There are clothes, furniture, pictures and cheap jewelery. And crowds. Big crowds.

By sections, then...

Woke up this morning to this. So we called the police.


Feeling horny? I can't believe that is the best caption I can come up with for this pic!

I remember getting these from my granny. Every time she openned a new packet of fags I got a picture card. Nothing like getting kids interest early. All you get these days are useless warnings. Bah!

You can get intravenous tea in this shop.

Lead soldiers. These are great for getting you started on heavy metal poisoning at an early age.

Pewter. You can put beer in that.


Noice melons.

Snack time.

Where breakfast comes from.

Who ate all the pies? Me actually.

Dead plants, too.

Music - Well, this is a REALLY musical area. We got the West Indians in abundance so there's Calypso to Heavy Dub. 'Feed the World' was recorded at the studio across the road. The Notting Hill carnival is LOUD and, well, there is great sound everywhere. If I ever figure out how to put audio on this blog, you can share:

Great stall, this. Old Time Music Hall loud enough to make your ears bleed. Curiously interspersed with R&B!

A lot of image to little effect, this guy. Great sounds from the boom box but accompanied by bongo drums - instrument of choice of the talent-challenged busker. Locks and beany - a little tired, methinks. But, hey, at least he's having a go, I suppose.

This guy's REALLY good. Classical and Spanish guitar.

Misc - so called 'cos it misced the other sections (yeah, I know; groan).

We were going to buy this just to annoy the morbidly obese one but we could only put a deposit on its first-born. Something to do with the 6th June coming up.

Portobello Tescos, the single most crappy supermarket on the entire planet. Populated by slovenly, minimum wage, rude, indifferent bums, they could probably do better by dragging a few Nigerian beggars off the street. It's difficult to see how this could be any worse.

Not sure why this bloke has his mug all over this clothes shop wall. It you buy our stuff, you, too, could look like this? Anyhoo, he doesn't look very happy.

What are these, I hear you ask. African stuff, I answer. (shrug)

Right, dunno about you, but I'm a little peckish. See you after lunch...

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