Saturday, February 02, 2008

Perth - Rockingham

A few Km down the coast is Rockingham - a small seaside town. Hardly worth the trip, really, except for the fact that it does have a really good snorkelling area.

This is where the wheat comes to be loaded onto ships - thus this big thingy.

This gun is off a ship that was deliberately sunk when it reached the end of its useful life - sadly in water too deep to make a useful dive site. Presumably, the gun now keeps away any nefarious wheat thiefs (and, by implication, their evil twins; the loaf thiefs). Bit of a change from the time the were welcomed, etc, etc.

And the entry-point for said snorkelling beach. It's good because it is right next to a car park and has easy access. Downside; you have to pick your times - there are strong onshore winds that turn this place into a washing machine.

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