Friday, November 07, 2008


So, we came into Holbrook looking to buy a drink, or lunch, or something. Tell the truth, in my excitement, I have quite forgotten. I asked about where the tourist information office is and was told, "Just past the Submarine".

"You mean a pub called The Submarine?"

"No, the actual submarine!"

This is a town several hundred kilometres from the nearest ocean, let along a fully functional river.

"You have a submarine? Right, I'm not leaving town until I've seen it. Where is it?"

"Well, it's very big, you can't really miss it."

And she was right...

Kim standing right in front of a bloody-great submarine.

I mean a really big one. In fact, I think it is a sister-ship of this baby.

The (well, a) blunt-end. Known, apparently, as a duck's arse.

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