Friday, November 07, 2008

Kangaroo Valley

This place is amazing. It's only a couple of hours from Sydney and it's a fairly isolated bit of countryside up over the hills. Consequentially, it's very green and there's lots of rivers and waterfalls.

Of course, there's a fudge shop. And, of course, we had to get a big bag of it. Yum.

There's an old suspension bridge - which, for some reason, I wish to emphasise the extent of but putting my arms out. Huh?

If you fall off the bridge, this is what you land in.

Then there's this great big waterfall. Don't ask me how far it goes down, it was a bit misty that day and you couldn't see the bottom. Probably wouldn't want to find out the quick way, either.

This little fella (in Australia, a 'little fella' is anything that would gladly chew your arm off) is a Red Bellied Black Snake (you will also notice the Australian penchant for literal nomenclature). It's bite is classified as 'very dangerous' (in Australia, this means the treatment may keep you away from your beer) and it can give birth to up to 40 live young (young, as in 'utter bastards'). Lovely. This was coming right at me so I jumped in the car, locked all the doors and screamed like a girl.

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