Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Balladonia to Kalgoorie

We decided to spend the next night in Kalgoorie. It's only a little way off the road, it's got lots of interesting gold-miney stuff and this is probably our only opportunity to see the place. There really isn't much of interest along the way though.

This is a lake. In a kind of weird reversal of terminology, just like the Nullarbor is full of trees, this lake has no water. I'm still not sure if I'm the object of some Australian 'ironic' joke or the people who went round naming stuff are just stupid.

The Superpit at Kalgoorie from a distance. I do hope that when I get their I won't find some kind of 'Superhill'.

Ah, so it really is a pit. Just for scale, that blob at the bottom is one of those enormous diggers. There are cars down there (on that ramp to the right) but, at this resolution, the just look like little dots. It's a pit. And it's super.

Another view down the pit. It's a bit hazy 'cos they just blew something up and there's a lot of dust around.

One of the scoops they use to get the gold out with.

This is a pub on the high street looking very colonial - it could be a curry house.

Here's an old gold miner. You don't need statues of new gold miners because you can see those everywhere falling out of pubs and brothels.

The caravan park we stayed at had this tackily themed entrance - and I am losing considerable patience with caravan parks. We have stayed in them since Ceduna now - the Nullarbor roadhouses are effectively the same. They are specifically designed to keep you away from anything remotely interesting about the area you are in - sighted, as they are, far enough away from the good stuff. In a caravan park, nobody can hear you scream - and they would be surprised if you didn't.

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