Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Port Augusta to Ceduna

So, it's bye-bye Port Augusta and hello Ceduna. This leg takes us across the top of the Eyre Peninsula.

Blimey, a whole bunch of Kiwi magnets. It can't be much fun living in all that dust.

The only proper wild kangaroos I've ever seen - or are likely to. Sadly, they saw me and made a run for it so I only got a photo of their disappearing arses. Still, better than no arse at all.

This outside a town delightfully called Iron Knob. Really.

Here's one of the locals, the only living thing Iron Knob has to offer.

Here's another one of those dodgy claims-to-fame. Half-way across Ausatralia, yes, but measured how? It certainly wasn't the half-way point of our trip.

Another Big Thing; the Big Galah. Joy.

I have absolutely no idea what these are. They look, to all intents and purposes, like a field full of testicles. Perhaps they are. Go figure.

Humorous widdle stop.

This is wheat country so every town has one of these next to the rail track.

A humpy. Made out of biscuit tins. WTF?

Inside the humpy. It must have been very hot indeed during the summer. Still, it probably escaped the housing boom.

Absolutely the best thing (though not big thing) of the entire trip. Wirrulla is 30km from the sea, (actually, any water) but that didn't stop them building a jetty, oh no. And it's got a boat. Perfect.

Good advice.

Looks like a DC-3 to me - and it still flies.

Ceduna beach-front.

Grumpy 'cos she got the bottom bunk.

Me burning cows. Yum.

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